
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lopburi- city of monkeys, totally worth the 500 baht!

Today was a fun filled day in Bangkok.  We started off with church.  We went to the English branch and I think there was every ethnicity possible in that ward.  I kept wondering how all these people ended up there.  

After church it was off to ayutthaya.  Ayutthaya is the ancient capital of Thailand.  I was about a million degrees.  I was sweating from every part of my body!  When we were there, there was a Bollywood being made.  I asked if I could be an extra but they just laughed.  

More gold!  This time it was a giant gold budah. Ladd I think I need one of these!

Lots of elephants.  

A picture with the father.  What a good way to spend fathers day! 

I think Weston is drinking a coconut. 

My dad dressed the same as budah today.  

On our way out we bought some awesome thai ice cream.  Not as good as new Zeland but pretty darn good.  

After we left we went about an hour further north to a place called lopburi.  we were debating wether or not to go because it was about 25 dollars more (500 baht). But it was sooooo worth it.  I have been before and knew what to expect but my parents had a great time. 

They look so innocent but when you least expect it.....

This could happen, or........

...this.  I thought my mom might pee her pants when this monkey ran up the back of her and stole her food.  It just sat up there until it was done.  

But they are soooo cute with their soft little hands.  And then after you get frightened, and then think you ave these monkey figured out,  this happened....

They jump on you are start to literally et your head!!! This monkey jumped from the wall to his head and started chewing.  At first we thought he was just trying to eat the hat, but no.  My dad took his hat off and it tried to eat his head.  We freaked out!

Moral of the story is, NEVER trust a monkey.  They will attack you when you least expect it!!!!

After lopburi we just headed back to the hotel for a nice quiet night.  We are off to Cambodia in the morning.  


  1. I've been there! Crazy monkeys! I love that you referenced the safety scale! I always though tuk tuks were a little too crazy for me, but if you say they're a 4, I wouldn't even mind bringing my baby on one! haha. Have fun! Tell everyone hi!

  2. Oh, and I live in Missouri now and before I moved here everyone was like, oh the humidity is terrible in the midwest. Now that I live here, I'm like, hello people, this is nothing! I lived in Thailand! It's like I don't even sweat here. Make sure you get those electrolytes in- probably need some more chamook!
