
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Goodbye for 2 years

I will really miss him!!!  My cute little brother left on his mission to Chile.  He has been my little buddy for so long. (he use to be really little, he only started growing like a year ago). When we were younger I was always put in charge of watching my little sisters and brother.  (My older sister was worthless when it came to babysitting :) ).  I was like a mom to him every time my parents left.  I know he will do such a great job, but boy will he be missed!!! 

He wore his sweet jacket, he got custom made from Thailand, for his farewell talk.  He will be one snazzy missionary. 

Two of a kind! 

Not his best picture.  He would make this face all the time for my mom when she wanted a picture.  She would always yell at him.

He his farewell he wanted cookies and milk.  He is a smart kid!!!  Here is some of the leftovers. 

The next day he was set apart as a missionary.  He left straight to the Mexico MTC so that night I said goodbye.  

I was able to hold it all together until I walked out the door.  I love him so much and cant wait to see him again in two years!  

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